Accounts & Budgets
KLM Associates have been working closely with clients over many years to monitor and report the performance of their business . We regularly prepare budgets for start up business to take to their banks which in turn then flow through to actual trading conditions in order to provide owners with benchmarks against which they can measure their performance and profitability .
Many clients take advantage of our quarterly service in order to benefit from profit and loss reports detailing actual performance against budget . This provides invaluable information for business owners and helps to identify problems before they become a real problem . As we prepare quarterly management accounts alongside preparing VAT returns ; the clients benefit from having completely upto date management accounts to help them make decisions and also to show any prospective lenders , suppliers or their bankers .
In the increasingly more competitive and difficult business climate this service has been and will continue to be invaluable to our medium sized clients seeking professional assistance from a “trained eye”